Criminal Defence Solicitors Leighton Buzzard


21Mar 2020

Prison overcrowding

Posted by Alesdair King

The government has formally triggered a crisis measure to ease prison overcrowding by using police cells to house inmates.

The confirmation of Operation Safeguard by the Ministry of Justice follows a decision to consider releasing some prisoners 70 days before their sentences were due to end.

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22Mar 2020

Police Bail

Posted by Alesdair King

If you have been arrested on suspicion of committing an offence then the police have a number of options once they have completed the initial stage of the investigation. They can release you without charge, release you 'under investergation, bail you to return to the police station if the investergation is complete or if they believe they have t

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23Mar 2020

Rape verdict

Posted by Alesdair King

We deal regularly with allergations of rape and know the importance of a full consideration of the evidence as sometimes things are not what they seem. We have recently secured the acquittal of an individual charged with a historic accusation of rape by exploring the social media output of the complaint. This told a different story to that being

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