Private Funding

Private Funding

Private funding

If you are either ineligible for legal aid or want more than legal aid provides then our private client team will be able to help. You will have access to senior lawyers with decades of experience both within the firm and from the rich pool of independent counsel upon which we can draw.

Experience has taught us that knowing how much the case will cost form the start is the best position for most clients. To achieve this, we will quote a fixed fee wherever this is possible, either for the whole case or for each stage as the case progresses. This way you know exactly how much you will be charged with no worries about mounting costs. In the cases where we are not able to fix a fee we will provide as accurate estimate as to costs as is possible and update you as soon as there is any change in this calculation.

Regardless as to how you fee is calculated we will always deliver a quality service which is value for money.

Private Funding | Usmani King